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发布日期:2024-01-08 浏览次数:302 状态:状态
  • 展会/会议日期:2024-03-04 至 2024-03-06
  • 展馆/会议地址:具体地点待更新
  • 主办单位:待更新
  • 承办单位:
  • 联系人:廖伟权
  • 手机:
  • 电话:13527771738
  • 传真:
  • 网站:
 Algeria is the second largest importer of plastics in primary forms in Africa & the Middle East (EUROMAP) and the largest investor in plastics and packaging technology in the Maghreb and one of the largest in Africa. (VDMA) These technology imports enable Algeria to develop and diversify its own production, increase exports and substitute imports of consumables. It is against this background, that the 8th edition of plast & printpack alger in 2024 plays an important role in raising awareness of environmentally friendly materials and packaging among the Algerian public and making the public increasingly familiar with green solutions and circular economy.